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My Talks

Here is where you can take a listen to some of the conversations I have had at various churches, on podcasts and radio stations. 

At Home with Jim and Joy
Shalom World Media

How to Become Holy Amid the Mess
Talk given at St. Joan of Arc Church
Hershey, PA

Seeking Excellence
with Nathan Crankfield

Journeys in Faith
with Anne DeSantis

Homeschooling Saints
  with Lisa Mladinich
Diapers and Disciples
with Amber O'Hearn
Called and Caffeinated
with Stacey Sumereau
with Danielle Bean
Live Not Lukewarm
with Deanna Bartalini
A Seeking Heart
with Allison Gingras


Say Yes to Holiness Podcast
with Christina Semmens



About Me

Blessed to be a Dominican sister for five years, I am now a mother of  nine wonderful children and one little saint in heaven. One thing that has not changed, though, is my desire to become a saint! Let us encourage one another in our call to holiness. Won't you join me?

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